by Ellen2054
This story follows Buffy Summers and her friends battling the dark forces threatening Sunnydale, a town perched on a Hellmouth. Brenwyn, a powerful young witch with mysterious visions, joins the Scooby Gang and quickly becomes integral to their fight against vampires, demons, and supernatural threats. A romance blooms between Xander and Brenwyn, bringing a new dynamic to the group as they navigate the complexities of both love and war. Together, they face ever-increasing challenges, including the rise of powerful enemies like Spike and Drusilla, testing their bonds of friendship and courage as they fight to protect the world from darkness.
Words: 138257, Chapters: 10/10, Language: English
- Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
- Rating: Explicit
- Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
- Categories: F/M
- Characters: Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, Cordelia Chase, Rupert Giles, Jenny Calendar, R. Snyder (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Joyce Summers, Kendra Young
- Relationships: Xander Harris/OC, Xander Harris/Original Female Character(s), Xander Harris/Original Character(s), Jenny Calendar/Rupert Giles, Daniel "Oz" Osbourne/Willow Rosenberg